Definition of Text

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Currently available definitions
Text in English
  1. the words of something written
  2. the main body of a written work (as distinct from illustrations or footnotes etc.)
  3. a book prepared for use in schools or colleges
  4. a passage from the Bible that is used as the subject of a sermon
Text in Falam
  1. a thu tlaang
  2. a thu bulpi
  3. cauk
Text in Hakha
  1. cauk chung i ttialmi a biapi bik a simi
Text in Matu
  1. cabu khui kah daek olpuei koek
Text in Mizo
  1. thu châng, thupui, châng thlan, lehkhabua a thu ziak lai zawng milem, a zawnawlna, etc. tiam text-book, n. zirlaibu, chanchin chi khat thu tlangpui chuanna bu
Text in Tedim
  1. akammal taktak, laibu sunga thu kigen bangbang, ahibang lian sanginn sunga kizang laisin bu