Definition of Table

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Currently available definitions
Table in Burmese
  1. စားေသာက္ဆိုင္တြင္ပံုေသေဈးနႈန္းျဖင့္ရႏိုင္ ေသာတစ္နပ္စာဟင္း
  2. ထမင္းအမည္
  1. အဆိုတင္
Table in English
  1. a piece of furniture having a smooth flat top that is usually supported by one or more vertical legs
  2. a piece of furniture with tableware for a meal laid out on it
  3. food or meals in general
  4. a set of data arranged in rows and columns
  5. a company of people assembled at a table for a meal or game
  6. flat tableland with steep edges
  1. arrange or enter in tabular form
  2. hold back to a later time
Table in Falam
  1. cabuai
Table in Hakha
  1. cabuai
  2. cahmai
  3. Cabua.
  4. Cahma.
Table in Matu
  1. ngolphaih, caboi
Table in Mizo
  1. dawhkân, chaw hlui kîlna, thil ziahna phêk, zawn awlna, a thlûra thu ziah luh, ziakna lunglehkha. v.t. a thlûra ziak lût, rawtna theh lut/siam
Table in Tedim
  1. sabuai, laiatna tau anneekna sabuai, a khawk a khawk a om laigelhna