Definition of Sum

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Currently available definitions
Sum in English
  1. the whole amount
  2. a quantity obtained by the addition of a group of numbers
  3. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
  4. the final aggregate
  5. a set containing all and only the members of two or more given sets
  6. a quantity of money
  1. determine the sum of
  2. be a summary of
Sum in Falam
  1. khat le khat komih ngah mi
  2. tangka
  3. kan
  4. thusuhnak
Sum in Hakha
  1. nambar pahnih asilole pahnihnak tam fonh i a chuakmi khi
  2. Tangka za.
Sum in Matu
  1. rhen ah, dongah bet a tah rhen ah ti bang
Sum in Mizo
  1. belh khawma a zât, a vaiin, pawisa eng emaw zât, chhiarkawp, a tlângpui, kaihtawi. v.t. belh khâwm
Sum in Tedim
  1. gawmna, akigamkhawm