Definition of Spiral

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Currently available definitions
Spiral in English
  1. flying downward in a helical path with a large radius
  2. a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops
  3. ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
  4. a continuously accelerating change in the economy
  5. a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at increasing distances from the center
  6. a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle
  1. to wind or move in a spiral course
  2. move in a spiral or zigzag course
  3. form a spiral
  1. in the shape of a coil
Spiral in Falam
  1. a ngerhaw mi
  2. a kir
  3. a kual
  4. kharkhem hawng vekih a kual a ngerhaw mi
Spiral in Hakha
  1. Aa kualmi thil a chonh in a kual aa chonhm.
Spiral in Matu
  1. kawl uh, vet uh, kuen
Spiral in Mizo
  1. bahrangulzem
Spiral in Tedim
  1. akivialngiungeu, akivial ngetngat