Definition of Specific

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Currently available definitions
Specific in English
  1. a medicine that has a mitigating effect on a specific disease
  2. a fact about some part (as opposed to general)
  1. stated explicitly or in detail
  2. (sometimes followed by `to') applying to or characterized by or distinguishing something particular or special or unique
  3. being or affecting a disease produced by a particular microorganism or condition; used also of stains or dyes used in making microscope slides
  4. relating to or distinguishing or constituting a taxonomic species
Specific in Falam
  1. a si teu mi
  2. a si cekci mi
Specific in Hakha
  1. cu sette kha sette timi
Specific in Matu
  1. buelh
Specific in Mizo
  1. chi lam thil, danglam bîk, chiah
Specific in Tedim
  1. akim deuh in, akician sinsenin