Definition of Settle

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Currently available definitions
Settle in Burmese
  1. မေက်မနပ္ႏွင့္လက္ခံရသည္
  2. နားသည္
  3. ထိုင္သည္
  4. ေအာင့္သက္သက္ႏွင့္လက္ခံရသည္
  5. တင္သည္
  6. ရန္ျငိဳးရန္ေၾကြးဆပ္သည္
  7. ေနသားက်သည္
  8. ေစာင့္ေနေသာလူအုပ္ၾကီးသည္မခ်င့္မရဲႏွင့္ပင္ျငိမ္က်သြားသည္
  9. ကလဲ့စားေခ်သည္
  10. အသားက်သည္
  11. သက္ေသာင့္သက္သာေနသည္
  12. ေနသားတက်ေနသည္
  13. ေရြးသည္
  14. စာရင္းရွင္းသည္
  15. အက်ထိုင္သည္
  16. သက္ေသာင့္သက္သာနားသည္
  17. ဥစၥာပစၥည္းတရားဝင္ေပးသည္
  18. ေက်ေအးသည္
  19. ျပီးျပတ္ေစသည္
  20. အသားက်သည္
  21. ေသတမ္းစာျဖင့္ေပးသည္
  22. ျပီးျပတ္သည္
  23. ျပီးျပီ
  24. ေနသားက်သည္
  25. အတည္တက်လဳပ္သည္
  26. ကအတည္တက်ေနထိုင္သည္
  27. ျငိမ္ျငိမ္ေနသည္
  28. အေျခခ်သည္
  29. မင္းအလုပ္စမကိုင္ခင္တစ္ခြန္းေလာက္ေမးလို႔ရမလား
  30. အေျခခ်သည္
  31. ေအးျငိမ္းေစသည္
  32. ျငိမ္သည္
  33. ေနာက္မီွ
  34. ခနယ္သစ္တြင္အေျခခ်သည္
  35. က်သင့္ေငြရွင္းသည္
  36. ျငိမ္ေအာင္ထိန္းသည္
  37. လက္တန္းပါသစ္သားခံုရွည္
  38. ထိုင္သည္
  39. အနည္က်သည္
Settle in English
  1. settle into a position, usually on a surface or ground
  2. end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement
  3. go under
  4. come to terms
  5. dispose of; make a financial settlement
  6. come as if by falling
  7. accept despite lack of complete satisfaction
  8. take up residence and become established
  9. get one's revenge for a wrong or an injury
  10. form a community
  11. arrange or fix in the desired order
  12. become settled or established and stable in one's residence or life style
  13. fix firmly
  14. make final; put the last touches on; put into final form
  15. sink down or precipitate
  16. establish or develop as a residence
  17. cause to become clear by forming a sediment (of liquids)
  18. become resolved, fixed, established, or quiet
  19. become clear by the sinking of particles
  20. bring to an end; settle conclusively
  21. come to rest
  22. settle conclusively; come to terms
  1. a long wooden bench with a back
Settle in Falam
  1. khawthar to
  2. umnak rem ttha
  3. dai
  4. baang
  5. thurel cat
  6. tangka pek
Settle in Hakha
  1. um
Settle in Matu
  1. om, khosak
Settle in Mizo
  1. tifel, rem, dah, nghat, luah, rûl tla, tlâk. v.i. innghat, châwl, a mawnga tla, khawsa, awmhmun khuar, intlâk, chêng
Settle in Tedim
  1. thu nawngkai kilemmaii, teeng, om kip
  1. kingapna nei tutphah saaute, khatveivei tutphah nuai lama van koihna sawnkaih kikoih