Definition of Sacred

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Currently available definitions
Sacred in Burmese
  1. အေလးအျမတ္ထားေသာ
  2. အထြတ္အျမတ္ထားေသာ
  3. အေလးထားအပ္ေသာ
  4. သမနိရွည္ၾကာစြာအရိုးစြေနျပီျဖစ္၍စံုမိွတ္ေလးစားျမတ္ႏိုးေနသည့္အရာ
Sacred in English
  1. (often followed by `to') devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person
  2. made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or some religious ceremony or use
  3. worthy of religious veneration
  4. concerned with religion or religious purposes
  5. worthy of respect or dedication
Sacred in Falam
  1. a thianhlim mi
  2. Pathian ta
  3. upatmi, a thianghlim ti ih ttihzahmi
  4. thupipa zetih retmi, tuah ttul tengteng mi
Sacred in Hakha
  1. A thiangmi, a zarhm.
Sacred in Matu
  1. a ka cim a ka caih
Sacred in Mizo
  1. hlân thianghlim, Pathian hnêna hlân, serh
Sacred in Tedim
  1. siangtho, thu siangtho, Pasian siangthona