Definition of Rare

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Currently available definitions
Rare in English
  1. not widely distributed
  2. not widely known; especially valued for its uncommonness
  3. (of meat) cooked a short time; still red inside
  4. recurring only at long intervals
  5. marked by an uncommon quality; especially superlative or extreme of its kind
  6. having low density
Rare in Falam
  1. a umdah lem lo mi
  2. a keel a si lo mi
Rare in Hakha
  1. A tlawmmi thil, a um set lomi thi.
Rare in Matu
  1. hno khaa, ek om pawh, hmuh ham a ka rhai
Rare in Mizo
  1. vâng, khât, pan. rarity rareness, nn
Rare in Tedim
  1. piangngei phalo, ki khaat, omzihzehlo