Definition of Purge

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Currently available definitions
Purge in English
  1. an abrupt or sudden removal of a person or group from an organization or place
  2. an act of removing by cleansing; ridding of sediment or other undesired elements
  3. the act of clearing yourself (or another) from some stigma or charge
  1. excrete or evacuate (someone's bowels or body)
  2. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
  3. rinse, clean, or empty with a liquid
  4. rid of impurities
  5. make pure or free from sin or guilt
  6. clear of a charge
  7. oust politically
Purge in Falam
  1. thianter
  2. thlarau a si lo le pumsa a baal mi thianfaiter
  3. mi ttha lo hlon
Purge in Hakha
  1. A hnawmmi kha thian.
Purge in Matu
  1. a ti a hnai silpan, cimsak
Purge in Mizo
  1. tithianghlim, thian, tifai, a duhawm lo zual paih / hnawt chhuak, kawá¹­huah
Purge in Tedim
  1. khitsiang, khaihsiang, siangthosak
  2. mawhna pan sawp siang
  3. sawp siang na tawh hah siang
  4. sung khuah siang