Definition of Magnitude

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Currently available definitions
Magnitude in Burmese
  1. ပမာဏ
Magnitude in English
  1. the property of relative size or extent (whether large or small)
  2. relative importance
  3. a number assigned to the ratio of two quantities; two quantities are of the same order of magnitude if one is less than 10 times as large as the other; the number of magnitudes that the quantities differ is specified to within a power of 10
Magnitude in Hakha
  1. A nganning, a biapitnin.
Magnitude in Matu
  1. a lendan, olpuei dan
Magnitude in Mizo
  1. len lam, pawimawh lam, len leh têt dân
Magnitude in Tedim
  1. aliatna, atamna, thupina