Definition of Formula

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Currently available definitions
Formula in Burmese
  1. အမည္ညႊန္း
  2. ေဆးဖံုညႊန္း
  3. ေဖာ္နည္းကား
  4. (mathematics or physics) ပံုေသနည္း
Formula in English
  1. something regarded as a normative example
  2. (mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems
  3. a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
  4. a conventionalized statement expressing some fundamental principle
  5. directions for making something
  6. a representation of a substance using symbols for its constituent elements
  7. a liquid food for infants
Formula in Falam
  1. thil rawi daan
  2. thil tuat daan
  3. ti daan
Formula in Hakha
  1. thil a sining a simi
  2. thil tining, sernin.
Formula in Matu
  1. saidan, a ka om rhuem
Formula in Mizo
  1. a dânhmang phuah sa, thurin chheh fel, thil siamna dawi hlo chi hrang hrang, chhiarkawp chawh dânhmang, hmangchâng, bawlhlo hming aiawhtu chhinchhiahna. [a plural chu formulas & formulae a ni]
Formula in Tedim
  1. akibawldan, angeina, ahih ding dan, apaizia