Definition of Explosion

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Currently available definitions
Explosion in Burmese
  1. ေပါက္ကဲြျခင္း
Explosion in English
  1. the act of exploding or bursting
  2. a golf shot from a bunker that typically moves sand as well as the golf ball
  3. a sudden outburst
  4. the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant
  5. a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction
  6. the noise caused by an explosion
  7. a sudden great increase
Explosion in Falam
  1. bomb puak
  2. hmakhat te ih aithokhnih tivek pawl
  3. hmakhat te ih zai, a karhmi
Explosion in Hakha
  1. Bomb puahna.
Explosion in Mizo
  1. puak
Explosion in Tedim
  1. puahkhapna