Definition of Evoke

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Currently available definitions
Evoke in English
  1. call to mind
  2. summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic
  3. deduce (a principle) or construe (a meaning)
  4. evoke or provoke to appear or occur
  5. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
Evoke in Falam
  1. suahter, langter
Evoke in Matu
  1. tuengsak, thoeng sak
Evoke in Mizo
  1. ko chhuak, chawk tho
Evoke in Tedim
  1. phuisamna tawh dawite a omna pana paikhia sak
  2. mihing sunga om dawite phuisamna tawh paikhia sak, sawtpi laia thupiang sate phawk khia sak